Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Aachen, Germany

We've been to a lot of places since our last post in May, including a great visit home to Michigan. I'll start where we left off, at the end of May, when we took a day trip to Aachen, Germany, less than an hour away. Aachen was actually a Roman city and grew mainly during the time of Charlemagne in the 8th century. When Charlemagne was crowned emperor, Aachen was the capital of the Holy Roman Empire.

We spent a really low-key day here in beautiful sunny weather, mostly walking the city, eating dinner & ice cream, and popping into the Cathedral and the Rathaus (town hall).
Front view of the cathedral
Back view
Horse statue beckoning you into the restaurant
View of Griffin on the Rathaus stairs
View from the Rathaus
Strange, movable doll sculpture
I liked this statue, but I also happened to get that couple in the background - aren't they cute :-)


  1. Liked the horse statue and seeing Ethan and Griffin

  2. Nice Blog. I really liked it nice picture

  3. very nice blog well done

  4. I like you blog it is very creative.
    Colbert family
    And nice pictures of the two boys.
    I most liked the one with the big boy siting next to the statue it is imaginative.
    Hope you will still put some picture in this blog it will look great if there where more pictures.
