Thursday, September 3, 2009

Griffin's First Post

{Mom is typing}
Hi. 1) One of my friends is from Belgium. His name is Leon. One of my friends is from England. Her name is Charlotte. One of my friends is from Germany. Her name is Lotta. When we were at Germany we went to a Movie Park. We saw a play that some one catched on fire {Mom's comment-there was a live stunt show}. I like my school. I have lots of friends. At my school I have a pencil box and I have a nice teacher. We at my school we have computers and I play on the playground with my friends. And at my school I have good toys but not too much. We have art class and we have music class and we have a PE, it's fun class we do all kinds of tags, lots of cool ones. We do lots of school work, school works pretty hard. I haven't finished one of my work {Mom didn't know this}. I started taking drum lessons, at my drum lessons one of my friends was there, his name is John. 2) At my house I have lots of friends too. One name is Max another is Philip, one Kaya, one Mia, and with Kaya and Mia their mom is called Miss Vicky and they have a little brother named Till. And we haven't even met all of the friends in our neighborhood! And somebody, Max, we think, he has different kinds of shorts or underwear. 3) What things we have been doing: we were gonna go to a different amusement park than the Movie Park. Right when we got to the Movie Park we heard the Indiana Jones music. This is what it sounds like: dun dun doooo, dun dun dooo, dun dun dooo. It was so fun, we really liked the music and it really is fun. In my neighborhood I goed to, for 10 and a half minutes, I was at Max's house. 4) At our house we see lots of horses and airplanes-one minute ago we saw an airplane go up. And we see lots of clouds that look different than Michigan. The plane is going up, up, up, up, up. I almost can't see it anymore. Bye!


  1. Hi Griifin, sound's like you have a lot of friend's{espically girl's} I"m glad you like school and that you got to go a really cool park.When I come out maybe you can take me there. How are your drum lesson's going? See if Mom will take a picture of your bedroom with Woofy and post it. Love and miss you bunches! Love Grandma xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxo

  2. Hi Griffin, you silly goose! It sounds like you are having a lot of fun at your new school and making lots of friends. I start school tomorrow I hope it is as fun as your school. Your drum classes sound fun. I am playing soccer on a yellow team. We run lots at practice. I miss you but hope you like it in Germany. Your friend, kailey
