Sunday, November 15, 2009

Part 4 of Ethan's Paris story

Hello again it's Ethan and this time in my post of Paris part 4 I am going to talk about Saturday. On Saturday we did a lot of things but I'm going to talk to you about them in chronological order. So that means I will be talking about the Louvre first. The Louvre, pronounced luv, is a huge museum in Paris that has an unbelievable amount of art work. All of the art work in the museum are the original or real pieces of art that the original artist made. They had thousands and thousands of pieces of art work in the Louvre and it would take you months to look at every piece of art work in the museum but the one piece of art work that really caught my attention was the Mona Lisa, the real Mona Lisa!! The Mona Lisa, made by Leonardo DaVinci, is an amazing piece of art. It was hanging on a wall with bullet proof glass in front of it, it was so indescribably great!!.
The Louvre museum was so cool, one of the galleries I really liked was the Egyptian art gallery. The Egyptian art gallery was mostly all sculptures and let me tell you those sculptures are really cool looking and I found it amazing how much detail was put in to those sculptures.
Those are definitely not all of the things we saw in the Louvre museum but those were my favorite parts of the museum. So now that I finished talking to you about the Louvre museum I'm going to talk to you about one quick little thing and that is where we ate after we went to the Louvre. We went to eat at a restaurant that was a type of restaurant called a bistro restaurant (fancy cafe). The restaurant was called Cafe Saint Honore. The pizza that I had at that restaurant was the best pizza that I've ever had!! It was so amazingly good that I almost fainted, well not really but it was amazingly good. Well I think that's all for now, so see ya.
Two cool paintings in the Louvre
A hall in the Louvre
A view from inside the Louvre

1 comment:

  1. I am surprised, I alway's thought the Mona Lisa was a really big picture. I enjoyed the Egyptian museum in Egypt. Like you said their detail work is fantastic, and I glad you didn't faint after eating the pizza. Love Grandma
